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Your Librarian

Jordan Espinosa

Jordan Espinosa


Library Media Center Hours

The library media center is open during the school day and before and after school.

Flexible Library Schedule

Students in grades 1-5 may come to the library media center on an as-needed basis. All children should plan to visit the library media center at least once a week to check out new books. Kindergarten students come to the LMC once a week for a 30-minute story time and checkout.

Check Out

Students grades 1-5 may check out three books at a time. For research, more items may be checked out. One book is checked out to Kindergarteners for a week at a time.  Grades 1-5 may have books for two weeks.

Overdue Books

We do not charge fines but strongly encourage students to have all materials back on time so that others may use them. Overdue lists are periodically printed for the classroom teachers as a reminder for the students. There is a charge for replacing lost or damaged materials.