School Supply List
Community Supplies—Do Not Label
- 2 Large Glue Sticks (22g)
- 2 Plastic Folders (3 prong, 2 pocket; 1 red, 1 blue)
- 4 Boxes 24-count Crayola brand crayons
- 3 Boxes of broad Crayola Markers (classic colors)
- 1 4-Pack dry erase markers (black, fine tip)
- 1 Dry erase eraser
- 2 White Pencil Erasers (no pencil toppers please)
- 1 Pair of child sized scissors (labeled with name)
- 2 Binders (3-ring, 1”, white) with clear sleeve cover
- 1 Large backpack
- 1 Pair headphones labeled with child’s name (no ear buds)
- 2 Boxes of tissues
- 1 Clear pencil box, 8” x 5”
- BOYS: 1 Box gallon Ziploc bags & 1 container disinfectant wipes
- GIRLS: 1 Box quart Ziploc bags & 1 bottle of hand sanitizer
First Grade
Community Supplies—Do Not Label
- 1 Pair Headphones (labeled with child’s name-NO EARBUDS)
- 1 Large box of tissues
- 1 Binder (1” white with clear sleeve cover)
- 2 3-Prong PLASTIC folder (red and blue)
- 1 10-pack Crayola classic color THICK markers
- 1 12-pack colored pencils
- 2 24-count boxes of crayons
- 12 Black dry erase markers (thick)
- 8 Black dry erase markers (thin)
- 1 Dry erase eraser
- 1 Scissors (blunt end)
- 1 Large pencil box
- 1 Box gallon baggies
Second Grade
- 1 Large pencil box (to hold crayons, markers, scissors, glue)
- 2 24-count boxes of sharpened #2 pencils
- 2 Boxes 24-count crayons
- 4 Jumbo glue sticks
- 1 Pair blunt scissors
- 2 70 sheet wide-ruled notebooks (1 red, 1 fun)
- 5 3-Prong, two-pocket folders (1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 fun)
- 8 Black dry erase markers
- 2 Boxes of tissues
- 2 Large white erasers
- 2 Yellow Highlighters
- 2 Packages of 3x3 yellow sticky notes
- 2 Boxes of classic markers
- 1 Binder (1 ½”, white with clear sleeve front)
- 1 Box colored pencils
- 1 Pair of headphones labeled with child’s name (no earbuds)
- 1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
Third Grade
- 2 Ink Pens (any color)
- 2 24-count boxes of sharpened #2 pencils
- 2 Boxes 24-count crayons
- 2 Boxes washable markers
- 1 Box of 12 colored pencils
- 2 Glue sticks
- 1 Pair scissors
- 1 Extra large pencil box
- 2 Boxes tissue
- 2 Packages dry erase markers (assorted with erasers)
- 2 Highlighters
- 1 1 ½” Binder with clear sleeve cover
- 4 Wide-ruled notebooks
- 2 Packages of 3x3 sticky notes
- 1 Pair headphones/earbuds labeled with child’s name
- GIRLS: 1 container disinfectant wipes & 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- BOYS: 1 Box Ziploc gallon bags & 1 box Ziploc quart bags
Fourth Grade
- 1 Small pencil sharpener
- 1 Pair earbuds or headphones labeled with child’s name
- 1 Box 24-count crayons
- 1 Package markers
- 2 Boxes of sharpened #2 pencils
- 1 12-count package colored pencils
- 2 Boxes of tissues
- 8 glue sticks
- 4 70-page wide-ruled spiral notebooks
- 1 Pair 5” sharp scissors
- 1 Extra Large Pencil box
- 8 dry erase markers
- 1 1 ½” Binder
- 1” Binder
- 4 Pads 3x3 sticky notes
- 1 Dry Erase Marker eraser
- 1 Folder with no prongs
- GIRLS: 1 Hand Sanitizer
- BOYS: 1 Clorox Wipes
Fifth Grade
- 24 Sharpened #2 pencils
- 1 Handheld pencil sharpener with shavings catcher
- 2 Boxes sharpened colored pencils
- 1 Large pencil box or bag
- 5 Glue sticks
- 1 Package Crayola markers, thick
- 2 175-count boxes of tissues
- 4 Dry erase markers (assorted colors)
- 1 Dry erase marker eraser
- 1 Ruler, standard and metric
- 1 Pair of scissors, 5” sharp
- 1 Package Multicolored Highlighters
- 4 Spiral notebooks, wide ruled
- 1 3-ring binder (2”)
- 1 3-ring binder (1”)
- 1 package of small index cards (3x5)
- 3 Pads of 3x3 sticky notes
- 2 Rolls of clear tape
- 1 Pair headphones/earbuds labeled with child’s name
- 2 ULTRA FINE tip black sharpie markers
- 1 8 oz hand sanitizer